Is my vagina normal? Reassurance for women with vaginismus

Have you ever wondered, "Is my vagina normal?" - If so, you are not alone!

is my vagina normal

If you have vaginismus, you probably feel like the odd one out in the world of vaginas. Here’s a spoiler alert: your vagina is perfectly normal, even if it’s giving you a little attitude right now!

Vaginismus is often a misunderstood condition because it can be difficult for some people to comprehend how something that can be as enjoyable and 'natural' as sex, can become so problematic.

Part of this can be explained by the major differences between men and women...and we’re not just talking about how long it takes to get ready or how to load the dishwasher.

Men's genitals are on the outside of their body and they come into contact with them several times a day. Female genitals, however, are tucked away and hidden so they can become a bit of an enigma. It makes sense then, that if they are out of sight, out of mind, a disconnection and alienation can result.

This can be compounded by any feelings of shame or embarrassment about penetration or their bodies. These feelings of alienation can range anywhere from not wanting to look at, or touch the vagina, through to the avoidance of inserting anything inside.

Vulvas (the outer genital area) vary considerably in size, shape and colour so don’t worry if yours doesn’t look like the ones you’ve seen online. There is no ‘normal’! It’s okay to not particularly love what you see – you don’t need to regard your vagina as a thing of beauty! Mine is certainly not going to win any beauty competitions 🙂

So, if you've wondered 'Is my vagina normal?' or were unsure about the features of your vulva, my short video will give you a little guided tour.

You'll discover...

  • Why you often can't see your vaginal opening
  • The reassuring evidence that yours is a fully functioning vagina
  • That vulvas come in all shapes and sizes
  • Where the clitoris is located

Here’s a little fact: over half of my clients (52%) who did the Vaginismus-Free Programme in November 2023 initially believed their vagina was abnormal. Guess what, that decreases to 0% upon completion.

What made the difference? A variety of factors, including insights and control over how their body responded, plus a confidence that their vagina doesn’t have to look perfect in order to enjoy comfortable penetration.


NOTE: This information is aimed at women who have vaginismus - a psycho-sexual condition. If you have any concerns about the physical aspects of your vagina, I do recommend that you visit your doctor for guidance.

You CAN overcome vaginismus too! Watch my FREE vaginismus game-changer masterclass

vaginismus treatment

Discover the secrets to achieving comfortable, pain-free penetration that every woman with vaginismus should know...

  • What's REALLY causing your vaginismus (it may surprise you)
  • Why you may have struggled to overcome it
  • Dilator No-No's!
  • The 3 keys to beating vaginismus
  • Mythbusting: how many of these do you believe...?
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