Emma’s experience of the Vaginismus-Free Programme

Emma Overcomes Vaginismus - Emma was typical of most women that contact me seeking help for their vaginismus: she thought that she would be the one client for whom the programme wouldn't work. She believed that her vaginismus "was too strong and had gone on for too long to be treated".

Does that sound a little bit like you?!

Below is Emma's open and honest account of her journey though the Vaginismus-Free Programme.

"I contacted Cara back in February after suffering with vaginismus for over 7 years. I’d been to many Doctors appointments and Gynaecology appointments and none of the professionals had been able to help me and not one of them recognised that this was a condition that I was creating inside of my own head and one that is very treatable - thankfully I discovered Cara and the Vaginismus-Free programme.

Before my first appointment with Cara I felt ashamed and embarrassed and had very low self esteem and no confidence in myself, my decisions or my own mind. That very quickly changed once the sessions got underway!

During the first couple of weeks of the Vaginismus-Free programme, I will admit that part of me didn’t think I’d actually be able to cure the vaginismus and I really thought I’d be that one person that just couldn’t be helped and that my vaginismus was too strong and had gone on for too long to be treated, although I pushed these worries aside as I so desperately wanted to give this my all and succeed. I put in effort and studied the books and videos every single day.

By around session 3 I felt like I was beaming with confidence in my day to day life and although I hadn’t yet cured the vaginismus I didn’t think about it every day like I used to because I was just focusing on the positives - how good I felt generally, how much I was enjoying going through the book, how much of a better person I was to be around, how much my confidence was growing, how much I looked forward to my weekly catch up and coaching with Cara, how grounded I felt and how much I was beginning to like and respect myself!

As I went through the programme, there were moments when I fell back in to some old unhelpful thinking styles and doubted myself as I used to but the difference was that I could recognise this and I understood what was going on in my own mind. Cara would always be just an email away and would be able to put things in to perspective whenever I went through a small blip. I remember during around session 4 or 5 I felt very upset and worried and I realised that it was because my final session was getting closer and closer and I didn’t feel ready to say good bye to Cara and the ‘learning’ part of the Vaginismus-Free programme. In comparison, by my final session with Cara I felt confident to be able to wave goodbye to Cara (although I often still email her now with life updates and achievements and always know that she is there for my if I need her again) as she had taught me everything I needed to know and I had such a strong belief in myself that I could continue thriving every day on my own. By this point I had also fully cured my vaginismus so I’d achieved what I’d set out to do and gained SO much more besides.

Cara has been a fantastic coach and I feel so pleased to have found Cara and the Vaginismus-Free programme as it really has changed my life for the better. The sessions were enjoyable, interesting, easy to understand, hilarious at times and emotional at others!

To anyone suffering with vaginismus, emetophobia, anxious or negative thoughts, low self esteem etc. I urge you to contact Cara because you really don’t have to live with these worries in your mind! Vaginismus and unhelpful thinking styles CAN be overcome and good self confidence / esteem CAN be achieved for everyone much easier than you may think is possible.

Thank you so much Cara and best of luck to anyone reading this testimonial and about to start their own journey"

'Emma Overcomes Vaginismus' by Cara Mason Bsc

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