
Amazon reviews of the Cure your Vaginismus and Thrive Workbook

Below is a selection of Amazon reviews for the Vaginismus-Free Manual

I am incredibly grateful to all the women who took the time to share their thoughts after completing the Vaginismus-Free Programme. Thank you!

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Jen 85 ... Essential Reading for Every Woman with Vaginismus

I was suffering with severe sexual pain for two years and felt that my doctor and gynaecologist really didn’t understand. They suggested I used dilators, but I just kept hitting a brick wall and feeling really frustrated. Going through the programme has made such a huge difference to my life in general. I feel much better about myself, I’m more confident and my self esteem is significantly better. Over the weeks, with the sensible advice I was given, I was able to progress from the first dilator up to the largest one, until I felt confident about applying what I’d learned with my partner. I was able to feel calm and relax my body.

Having sex for the first time with my husband was Amazing! Its still work in progress but it keeps getting better. Sex is now painless and enjoyable - something I never thought I would be able to say. If you are struggling with vaginismus, you must buy this book. This programme offers a completely different approach to everything else.

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J2020 ... My Vaginismus is Completely Cured

I can't tell you enough how much this book has helped me. I thought vaginismus was something I was going to suffer from for the rest of my life but Cara's thoughtful, helpful explanations of what causes it and how to cure it have enabled me to completely overcome it. There are loads of great exercises and insights in each chapter and everything is written in a very down-to-earth, easy to understand way. So many things resonated with my experiences that it almost felt like Cara was writing directly to me! I would thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who suffers from vaginismus - you don't have to put up with it or fear it any longer. My vaginismus is completely cured and I am VERY happy!!

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Sara ... I couldn't Recommend this more

With the help of this amazing programme, my mindset about my body is now completely different and I feel back in control. I recommend this programme to every women who is struggling with vaginismus. You will have to do the work to apply what you read - don’t expect the book itself to cure you! I also feel so much happier and more confident in all areas of my life and finally feel like I am thriving.

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Priti ... It was a Revelation!

With the help of this amazing book, I was able to completely transform the way I think about not only my body, but myself in general. I always thought that my vaginismus was caused by my past (and sessions with a therapist just cemented this unhelpful belief). Learning that my vaginismus was being caused by my thinking today was such a revelation! I am so grateful for this programme and just wish I’d found it sooner. This book won’t just magically get you over vaginismus - you have put in the effort to do that. But if work hard it it - it will change your life.

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Ruth M ... Life Changing

This book has changed my life. No exaggeration. I had suffered with vaginismus for many years and was really very low having tried other interventions; counseling, dilators etc without success. I am a medical doctor and had lost all hope to be honest.

I cannot explain how amazing this book is. The style and tone are perfect and reading it felt like chatting to a friend which I really liked as I felt very lonely and isolated with my vaginismus.

The book guides you through the underlying problems that cause vaginismus (unhelpful thinking rather than problematic muscles) and through various exercises and eventually dilator use offers a real opportunity for ‘cure’. For me the teachings in the book were the real key to success and dilators alone were a waste of time. For me the impact of the book goes beyond curing my vaginismus. I have new personal insight, greater self esteem and confidence and can honestly say I am now thriving.

I would 100% recommend this book for anyone with vaginismus

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Rhea ... Tremendous Help

I don't know what or where I would have been without this book! From someone who could not even insert a qtip to someone who has conquered dilators, I can't thank this book enough. It is a life changing experience for someone who was so out of control with her self belief. Cara understands the mental state of vaginismus sufferer so well. This book empowers and emboldens oneself in all aspects of life, including vaginismus. I have come such a long way since I discovered this book and I would recommend it to everyone struggling with vaginismus.

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00 ... Best Therapy for Vaginismus

This book is brilliant. Personally I can tell you without bias that this book is exactly what it says. Cara herself is brilliant in empowering you to thrive. I tried all the different methods including Botox and I still could not overcome my vaginismus. Going to Cara was my last resort and it has been a brilliant journey. Please don’t think it’s a miracle cure in 1 week. No it would take you a few weeks of going through this book with Cara to get empowered to thrive. The book helps with other aspects of life as well and you will be amazed at how much you see yourself changing for the better once you have gone through the book because I definitely have seen good and positive changes.

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Amazon Customer ... A Structured Guide to manage and Overcome my fear and be the best version of Myself!

A great step by step guide... like peeling an onion...little by little this book helped me discover myself, my belief system and helped me to gradually build on my self esteem and power of control to change my thinking...little by little my fear of penetration and general insecurities started to be challenged and it's helping me to overcome my issues.

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Sam ... Step-by-step guide to Overcoming Vaginismus

This book is really helpful and easy to follow. It is suitable for anyone who experiences anxiety about penetration.

It helps you to understand both yourself and the condition really well. It covers all factors including the psychological, emotional, physical and relationship aspects. It then guides you step by step through the process of overcoming vaginismus: providing you with the insights, beliefs, skills and resources to resolve it. It also supports you in becoming happier and more confident generally in all areas of your life.

I liked that the cover of the book is plain without the vaginismus title on the front cover. I would highly recommend this book.