The surprising similarities between vaginismus and other symptoms

If you are struggling with vaginismus, the condition can appear very complicated and deep-rooted – and very different from other symptoms and issues. However, the reality is that it shares much in common with other physical symptoms and manifestations of anxiety that people can suffer from. If you are anything like every woman that I…

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Sexual health doctor Fiona overcomes her Vaginismus

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GP Overcomes Vaginismus – Fiona, a sexual health doctor, has recently completed the ‘Vaginismus-Free Programme’. Here, she shares her insights into the condition from the perspective of a medical professional. After completing the programme she says ” I am great. Things are going very well. I am having, dare I say it, good sex! Not…

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5 things you need to know about vaginismus

There exists a great deal of myths and misinformation surrounding vaginismus, especially around its causes and what is required to successfully treat it. To help rectify this, below are FIVE things you need to know about vaginismus: 1. Your vaginal muscles aren’t ‘spasming’ when vaginismus occurs, they are simply tensing Vaginal spasm has been considered…

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