Jenny, 29, had struggled with vaginismus for many years. When she attempted sex she felt prevented by the 'wall' that so many women with vaginismus also experience. Despite being skeptical, she embarked upon the Vaginismus-Free Programme and here is she is to tell her story...
"For years, I kept thinking what is wrong with me? Why can I not use tampons? Why does sex seem so easy for others and impossible for me? 'Vaginismus' was a term I wasn't even aware of until the last few years and when I did look into it on the Internet, most of what I found was telling me that this was a condition I would have to accept and live with. This upset me a lot and I convinced myself that all my relationships would continue to suffer in the future because of it and I even started trying to accept the fact that I may never have an opportunity to try for a baby.
I buried my head in the sand and just told myself that there was no point in worrying about it, but really it was always in the back of my mind. The last time I had sex with a partner, I hit a real low point, and once again penetration was not successful. I felt so confused and frustrated because I really didn't have any proper understanding of what was causing it and how I could change it and this meant I was just at a total loss trying to explain it to someone else.
I knew I needed to do something to address my vaginismus, so I embarked on a new Internet search (after my very first one a few years back) and when I found Cara's website I cannot tell you how glad and relieved I was!! All the testimonials sounded just like what I had experienced and most of the website was full of people talking about overcoming their vaginismus not just living with it, this felt major to me and I knew I had to give it a shot. I got in touch with Cara and as soon as we met she put me right at ease, it also felt like a giant weight has been lifted, as she was someone I could properly speak to about my vaginismus, who really understood it and knew how to help.
The sessions and work you do outside the programme do require a lot of commitment, but I can tell you it was absolutely worth it!! I can now insert tampons and being a person who loves swimming, this is a real game changer, and I can also insert all the dilators (I find it funny now thinking how sceptical I was that I'd be able to insert any of those!) AND with no pain.
I am so proud of how far I have come and I actually enjoying being able to use dilators! I don't currently have a partner, but when I do, I know that penetrative sex will be possible and actually enjoyable!
The thing that really made my experience with the Vaginismus-Free Programme though was working with Cara, she was so encouraging, so supportive and incredibly warm and kind throughout all our sessions, you can tell how much she cares and how experienced she is. Doing the Vaginismus-Free Programme doesn't just help you with overcoming vaginismus though, it's much more than that. I feel so much more confident and happier in myself, it really has changed my life and perspective of life too.
I have learned so many valuable tools that I know will continue to help me going forward in all aspects of my life. Cara, I cannot thank you enough for being you!! You and the Vaginismus-Free Programme have made such a difference to my life already and I know it's only going to get better if you're struggling with vaginismus or worrying about it, look no further and get in touch with Cara, you won't regret it the only regret I have is not having done it sooner!!"