vaginismus treatment
Portraits of a charming red-haired girl with a cute face. Girl posing for the camera in the city center. She has a wonderful mood and a lovely smile.

Vaginismus-Free: The Combination Programme

Share your journey through the Vaginismus-Free programme with other like-minded women
in small, friendly group Zoom sessions, as well as having the benefits of 1-2-1 sessions with Cara

What does the Combination Programme involve?

This is a wonderful way to complete the programme with other like-minded women who understand and related to what you have experienced with vaginismus. This programme is all about learning, self discovery and gaining a brand new perspective on life. It’s not counselling or therapy and the sessions don’t involve us continuously talking about your problems or your past!

This is about learning to understand how your mind and body works, strenthening helpful beliefs, taking back healthy control, developing a robust mindset in order to overcome vaginismus and get the most out of your life.

Start dates for next courses (UK time zone):

Thursday 4th April at 4.30pm (and same time every Thursday for subsequent sessions)


£1150 (includes all sessions, books and videos) £1150 or 2 monthly instalments of £577

help for vaginismus

Six weekly, confidential group sessions with 2-4 women - allow 75 mins per session

Four personal, 1-2-1 sessions with Cara to discuss more intimate/private information

On-going support throughout programme

Sessions are conducted via Zoom so you can do them from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the world!

24 support videos to enhance your knowledge

19 page personal report for essential self insight and to measure your progress


Combination sessions participant

“The combination session format is a great way to not only learn from, but also support other women. I really benefited from the connections I made during my combination sessions; I am able to understand and apply more readily the skills and knowledge from the Programme as a result."

help for vaginismus

Benefits of the Combination Programme

When you have kept vaginismus a closely-guarded secret, I do appreciate any initial trepidation you may have about addressing it with other's present!

However, I'm sure all the women in your group will be able to empathise and relate to each other's experiences and emotions. This adds that extra dimension of companionship to an already life-changing process.

The benefits of the Combination Programme are as follows...

You will receive the support and encouragement of the other participants. It's a wonderful feeling to share stories and successes

You'll have the best of both worlds: companionship during the group sessions, plus 1-2-1 sessions with Cara to discuss more personal topics, such as your penetration progress

A sense of connection: Because the group is united in a common goal, you will gain a sense of belonging and acceptance

Companionship: Being part of a group of people who have the same experiences will help you see that what they are going through is universal and you are not alone

If cost is a consideration for you, it is lower-priced than the 1-2-1 sessions


Combination sessions participant

“I am so glad I took the group session where like minded people like me seek help to combat vaginismus.
I am really grateful that I listened, shared, tackled and understood the issue of vaginismus. I always thought something was wrong with me. I feel confident now that I can insert without getting hurt".

Some of the essential insights you will gain from the programme:

What is REALLY causing your vaginismus

How your relationship may be causing/affecting vaginismus (and how to resolve it)

How to make a successful transition from using dilators to enjoying sex.

Learn to relax your vaginal muscles and remove the 'wall' preventing penetration

Feel much more motivated and confident with penetration exercises

How you create vaginismus and other and anxieties – and how to free yourself of them.

How to feel back in control of your mind and your body.

Why vaginismus sufferers tend to be overthinkers, worriers and perfectionists

How to feel much more confident around others – including your partner, or potential partners

Some kind words from past clients

help for vaginismus

Cheryl, 27

“There are defining moments in your life, completing the Vaginismus-Free programme is one of them for me. From someone who had years of physiotherapy, tests, doctor's appointments and sought relief and help in so many ways that failed - this was the answer.”

help for vaginismus

Hannah, 21

“Every penny spent and every minute spent was worth it and I will continue referring to this for the rest of my life. I now feel like I can overcome anything.Thank you SO much for all of your help Cara, I feel like a little butterfly let loose!"